After I came back from lithuania my size UK 10 jeans were literally dropping off me, I remember my mum came to pick me up, as we got into the car and closed the door she said "What the hell have you done with yourself, are you crazy! You look like a sick skeleton, pale with bags under your eyes" to me this was bullshit I thought I hadn't changed that much and wasn't a STICK... yet.
A few months after the summer, I got back into the routine of going to school and all the rest of it. I also happen to get into the routine of losing weight more and more each week losing at least 0.5kg if not more. Within 2 months I had dropped down to 50kg. It was the happiest days of my life, I loved my body, I knew it was very skinny but I didn't care what other people thought I loved it. Here's a few snaps of me at my lowest weight. My BMI was about 15.3.
u dont look healthy :(